- Teacher: Luis Fernández Sanz
- Teacher: Inés López Baldominos
- Teacher: Vera Pospelova
Dėstytojas: Laima Urbšienė, Ona Marija Vyšniauskaitė, Daiva Mažeikaitė, Agnė Laužadytė

Welcome to the "E-Business" course located on the Moodle platform.
We are Associate Professor Uglješa Marjanović, PhD and Teaching Assistant Slavko Rakić, PhD from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. In the coming period, we will try to bring you closer to the field of e-business, various tools, and technologies that we encounter every day and which can be used to improve the traditional way of doing business, and why it is necessary for companies to integrate business processes with information systems. In addition to the above, we will introduce you to the various tools offered by the software solution for spreadsheet calculations MS Excel, which are necessary for every manager. We hope you enjoy it!